Mummy #50 by D.R. Meredith

Title: Mummy #50

Author: D.R. Meredith

ISBN: 978-1-938632-00-6

Copyright: 2013

Genre: Short Story, Mystery

Originally Published in a shorter version by: Ballentine Books in 1990

This mystery takes place in a museum located in the Texas Panhandle. The director of the museum has a personality and priorities in direct conflict with that of his assistant. Tensions build between them. Enter the disputed Egyptian exhibit and Mummy #50. Readers will enjoy this short mystery tale with an O.Henry type twist, so aptly penned by this author. I absolutely enjoyed Meredith’s short story and highly recommend it to those who enjoy a bit of irony.   This review is from the Kindle edition, and it deserves 5 stars.

Reviewed by Jackie Anton…… of the Award Winning “Backyard Horse Tale Series.

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